About Us

Caerphilly County Borough Council is committed to ensuring that everyone living within the Borough is safe and protected and that our statutory responsibilities to safeguard and protect children, young people and vulnerable adults are effectively met. Safeguarding children and adults from abuse is everybody’s business. We all share a responsibility, both corporately and individually, to ensure that all children and adults are treated with respect and protected from others who may abuse them. All Council employees, Elected Members, volunteers and contractors who come into contact with children or vulnerable adults in the course of their duties are expected to understand their responsibility and wherever necessary, to take action to safeguard and promote their welfare. We ensure that relevant employees who work closely with these groups undergo an appropriate level of DBS check prior to employment with the council. We also require current employees who work with these groups to undergo a recheck every 3 years.

We have implemented an E bulk system which allows DBS application forms to be completed electronically on line which incorporates data validation, email notifications and reminders together with greatly improved processing time. The system complies with all Data Protection legislation thus giving the user the assurance that their data is secure and will be processed in line with current legislation.

The process from completion of the application form to ID verification and submission to the DBS is handled within the system and the majority of results will be sent out within a couple of days.